Survival player enhancements-old:Cannot modify NPCs as player/Empty Configuration files(nobug)
CrusaderRabbit opened this issue · 4 comments
Describe the bug
Configuration Files are empty and you cannot modify NPCs as a player. The in game command "/easy_npc" has nothing
To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:
- Install Easy-NPC
- Check config- no configuration file for 1.18.2-1.0.0
Expected behavior
Be able to modify npc's with wand as a player not in creative.
If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem.
Before reporting a issue please check if there is anything relevant in the crash-reports, debug.log and latest.log file.
Didn't see anything in the logs that stood out at all. Everything seemed to load just fine with the mod.
Is the issue happening in combination with other mods? (If yes, please provide a full list)
I do not believe this is an issue with other mods and Easy NPC works fine other than using the wand in Survival mode
Additional context
Add any other context about the problem here.
Do you have a preference of features which should be available for normal players ?
Some of the options could be used to avoid server restrictions or execute commands with a higher level, for these reason it would be helpful to know how such "normal player" usage should look like.
So 2 things:
I did not understand what "as a player" meant until after reading the wiki. So this report is all moot, I apologize for that.
It would be nice for players to have the following functionality:
~Be able to Name, add dialog, pose, and rotate
~Only be able to modify NPCs they placed down (a sort of ownership of that NPC) and add equipment to that npc
~Only be able to use default skins (If they want custom or player skins they can do that via creative)
This would help players create an atmosphere and story to their places that they build.
Again, sorry for the false report.
Thanks for the feedback.
I just release a new version which has a permission system over the config file inside the config/easy_npc
This version additional allows to edit owned NPCs even without creative or op permissions.
Existing NPCs will not be updated, so you need to spawn new NPC to get them work in non-creative mode.