[Bug] Cat NPC missing textures with resourcepack. Other NPC mod has no issues.
SociallyAwkrd opened this issue ยท 2 comments
Describe the bug
Using Easy NPC's and Flash's NPC's. Both have the option for cat npc but yours does not adopt the servers custom resource pack texture for the cat mod. Comes out in stripes? bits? Not sure how to explain.
Expected behavior
For cat npc to adopt server skin without issues.
Flash's cat NPC correctly adapting server skin texture
Easy Npc's cat texture
Is the issue happening in combination with other mods? (If yes, please provide a full list)
Better Cats resource pack. https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/texture-packs/better-cats-minecraft/download/4784566
Additional context
Could be me being blind or having missed a config setting. If so my apologies but could not find anything related to it.
Thanks for the report. The problem in this case is that it applies the textures from the resource pack, but the needed 3d model is not applied.
Each Easy NPC has it own entity type like easy_npc:cat and not minecraft:cat to avoid issues with other mods and make it easier to difference them from normal cats.
For this reason the resource pack 3d cat model is not applied, which only replaces minecraft:cat, but not easy_npc:cat.