Easy Villagers

Easy Villagers


Conflicting Mods With Easy Villagers (Help)

UlitimoTheGamer opened this issue ยท 3 comments


As the title suggests, I am have an issue where I cannot trade cycle any villagers. I am in a 1.18.2 world, and playing on a server. I have found out that Mana and Artifice has been blocking people from being able to trade cycle. I have edited the line of text inside the .toml of Mana and Artifice to allow for villager cycling.


With this set to false, it should not block me from trade cycling. However, I cannot trade cycle. I fixed the server .toml, and my client side .toml, and no good. If there are any other suggestions to try, that would be appreciated.


Does the button show up on villagers that you haven't traded with before?
Did you try the cycle keybind?


I have tried villagers without professions, I have tried changing villager professions, and I have tried using baby villagers and waiting for them to become adults.. The cycle keybind is c, and I have spammed that to try as well. The button is there, and the keybind is there, and both make noise when clicking, but nothing happens. :(


Yeah, then these mods are just incompatible with each other.