Easy Villagers

Easy Villagers


[1.20.1] Crash when opening container with Villager inside

ffuentesm opened this issue ยท 6 comments


Bug description
When I open a copper barrel with a villager inside of it, the game crashes.

Steps to reproduce the issue
Try to peon a copper level barrel with a villager item inside of it.

Expected behavior
No crash should happen

Log files


  • Minecraft version 1.20.1
  • Forge 47.1.3
  • Mod version 1.20.1-1.0.12

Other mods
Easy Villagers 1.20.1-1.0.12 - may have caused crash
Entity Model Features 0.RC.4 - may have caused crash
Entity Texture Features 4.5.1 - may have caused crash
Expanded Storage 10.0.0-beta.3 - may have caused crash
Guard Villagers 1.20-1.6.1 - may have caused crash

Screenshots (Optional)


Please check if this happens without any mods or which mod in combination with this mod causes the crash.


I think I already mentioned the mods in question in my original post.
But if you want a more specific one, it: Entity Model Features 0.RC.4 & Entity Texture Features 4.5.1
As I am using the Fresh Animations Resource pack, The villager texture model that is being rendered on the Easy Villagers item causes the crash.
But this error only happens if the container is from Expanded Storage 10.0.0-beta.3, as the vanilla chest does not suffer this problem.

So yes, the crash happened with the combination of Easy Villagers 1.20.1-1.0.12, Entity Model Features 0.RC.4, Entity Texture Features 4.5.1, and Expanded Storage 10.0.0-beta.3. When I open the UI of the Expanded Storage, and I have an Easy Villager villager item in my inventory.
Here is the log of the Crash: https://crashy.net/246a24a2-3b05-446b-93dd-36814467fbe5?code=gFeL4j


This crash doesn't seem to originate from the easy villagers mod. Did you report the issue to these mods too?


Yes, I am waiting on the reply from those other mod authors on this problem.


Closed due to inactivity.


Its caused by fresh animations, this resource pack fixes it by making all villager items have a static model