Easy Villagers

Easy Villagers


Villagers in Traders arent working correctly - cant pick up workstations and replace them, villager doesnt unlearn job when you remove workstation before trading with them

soundtechscott opened this issue ยท 1 comments


Easy villagers version 1.16.4-1.1.17
Forge version 35.1.28
Minecraft 1.16.4

Place a villager in a trader
place a workstation(lecturn for example)
look at his first level trades(but do not trade with him yet), I dint like what he has, so I want to pick up the lecturn and place it again to refresh him and make him show me new trades
this version wont allow me to do this for some reason

it picks up the villager First instead of the workstation... , then you can pick up the workstation with another empty hotbar slot, ....
and the only way to clear his workstation is to place the villager in the overworld first after you have picked up the workstation from the box, which then makes him drop his current trades, then you can pick him back up and put him back in the box and place the workstation again to get new trades...

previous versions worked correctly allowing you to pick up the workstation from the trader box first and resetting the villager

all of this is of course done without trading with him and locking his trades in....


This is working as intended. You can cycle the trades of the villager with the "Cycle Trades" button (looks like an arrow) on the top left. Because of this feature, you take out the villager first, because you don't need to take out the workstation to reset the trades.