Easy Villagers

Easy Villagers


playing in 1.16.4 - villagers that have been converted lose the low dollar trades randomly

soundtechscott opened this issue ยท 3 comments


using 1.16.4-1.128 Jar
in a modpack that has Forge 35..1.16

I traded with farmers to get carrots locked in
put them in the converter a few times to get carrot trade down to 1
put them in an auto trader
have it being fed by refined storage exporter feeding them carrots
pulling emeralds out the bottom with refined storage importer
randomly, villagers will lose their discount trades going back up to high values...

sometimes I can pull them out and plop them down in the real world and it shows trades back at 1 again, put them back in the auto trader and it shows a high value

This Villager is at 1 currently....

and so was this villager, but he has lost his trade discount?

this same guy... I literally just put into a regular trader box... and now he shows this

grabbed some carrots out of a chest...
10 seconds later, hes showing this now


For me its happening every time, somewhere the auto trader restock, or leveling up.
I tested with a master farmer, and after some time its discount reset back two steps back from 1 beetroot to 1 emerald, to 9 beetroot to 1 emerald. Another jobs also affected.
I use hoppers and Refined Storage Importers and exporters to automate trades. I setup auto brewing station for weakness potions and auto crafting golden apples.
In a small setup it just inconvenient to pick out villagers and "re-cure" them for discount, but in a large setup it nightmarish to keep checking the discounts.


Does this also happen in 1.16.5?


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