Easy Villagers

Easy Villagers


Villagers don't show discounts from golden apple curing

glencoe2004 opened this issue · 1 comments


Bug description
Discounts that villagers receive from curing (and possibly other sources) are ignored by Easy Villagers, despite still being present in their NBT data. The bug is not visual and affects trade prices.

As a side note, it's possible this is a duplicate of issue #69. If it is, I can confirm that this bug still appears on the lastest 1.16.5 version (as of the time of this post that is easy_villagers-1.16.5-1.0.11.jar).

Steps to reproduce the issue

  1. Cure a zombie villager and get a trade discount
  2. Pick up villager
  3. Place down villager and observe that prices are higher

Expected behavior
I expected the villager to retain their curing discount.

Log files
Log files are located at https://gist.github.com/glencoe2004/1ae5263425e57b5514b9878868fed682


  • Minecraft version: 1.16.5
  • Forge version: 36.1.32
  • Mod version: 1.0.11

Other mods
[✔️] 1.16.5-enchantedgoldenapplecrafting-1.0
[✔️] AdditionalEnchantedMiner-1.16.5-16.1.7
[✔️] AI-Improvements-1.16.2-0.3.0
[✔️] architectury-1.18.25-forge
[✔️] branders-spawnermod-1.16.5-1.7.11
[✔️] caelus-forge-1.16.5-
[✔️] cavebiomes-2.0
[✔️] CavesAndCliffsBackport-6.1
[✔️] ClassicCombat-1.16.4-universal
[✔️] collective-1.16.5-2.26
[✔️] Craftable_NameTag+1.16.x
[✔️] curioofundying-forge-1.16.5-
[✔️] curios-forge-1.16.5-
[✔️] curiouselytra-forge-1.16.5-
[✔️] Cyclic-1.16.5-1.2.11
[✔️] Disenchanting-forge-1.16.5-1.7.1
[✔️] easy_villagers-1.16.5-1.0.11
[✔️] extendedbonemeal_1.16.5-1.3
[✔️] extremeSoundMuffler-3.13-1.16.5
[✔️] FastFurnace-1.16.3-4.3.0
[✔️] FastWorkbench-1.16.4-4.5.1
[✔️] FluxNetworks-1.16.5-
[✔️] ftb-gui-library-1605.2.1.41-forge
[✔️] ftb-library-forge-1605.3.1-build.38
[✔️] ftb-ultimine-1603.1.1.13
[✔️] GamemodeOverhaul-1.16.4-
[✔️] Hwyla-forge-1.10.11-B78_1.16.2
[✔️] InfinityMending-1.16.3-0.1.0
[✔️] Inspirations-1.16.5-
[✔️] jei-1.16.5-
[✔️] Mantle-1.16.5-1.6.109
[✔️] Mekanism-1.16.5-
[✔️] MekanismAdditions-1.16.5-
[✔️] MekanismGenerators-1.16.5-
[✔️] MekanismTools-1.16.5-
[✔️] mobcatcher-3.2
[✔️] NaturesCompass-1.16.5-1.9.0
[✔️] notenoughcrashes-3.2.0-forge
[✔️] paintings-1.16.4-
[✔️] Patchouli-1.16.4-53
[✔️] Placebo-1.16.4-4.5.0
[✔️] randompatches-2.4.4-forge
[✔️] refinedstorage-1.9.13
[✔️] refinedstorageaddons-0.7.2
[✔️] ScalableCatsForce-2.13.5-build-2-with-library
[✔️] sodium-forge-2.4
[✔️] StorageDrawers-1.16.3-8.2.2
[✔️] storagetech-1.16.4-R1.3
[✔️] supermartijn642corelib-1.0.9-mc1.16.5
[✔️] swingthroughgrass-1.16.4-1.5.3
[✔️] tesseract-1.0.21-mc1.16.5
[✔️] Toast-Control-1.16.3-4.3.0
[✔️] worldedit-forge-mc1.16.3-7.2.1-dist

Those checkmarks are from MultiMC and do not mean anything.
I will test with no other mods later; it is currently about 6 in the morning where I am.

Screenshots (Optional)
2021-07-01_05 31 21
Here is a screenshot of the villager normally. Note that both trades only cost 1 emerald.

2021-07-01_05 31 41
Here is a screenshot of after the villager is picked up with Easy Villager's hotkey. Notice that the trade costs are far higher because the villager does not display the curing discount.

2021-07-01_05 31 45
Here is a screenshot of after picking up the villager with a third party mob carrying mod (in this case I am using Mob Catcher.) The prices have been reset and are showing their correct values.


Duplicate of #64.
Disable universal reputation to get the vanilla behavior.