Easy Villagers

Easy Villagers


Difficult to distinguish populated blocks in inventory

nheath opened this issue ยท 0 comments


Minecraft has a lot of traders for various professions, and the all fit into the easy_villagers:trader block. I often have many different traders populated with different professions; e.g multiple librarians, farmers, etc. Villager items can be renamed, and their names are rememered both when: placed as as villager mobs, and placed in trader blocks in the world. Im also aware these custom names can be seen in HWYLA overlays.

However, all of this information is not visible when viewing a populated trader or farm in your inventory, and it is difficult to distinguish between them--for example, if you carry a few traders around with you in a shulker box, or are relocating them, you cant distinguish one from another without placing the block, and seeing if you got the right one.

I see two possible changes to improve this; while either would help, both make sense and could be used together. While the trader block is obviously the most affected by this, it would make sense for consistency reasons to have all blocks like breeders and farms behave similarly.


Display additional information in the item tooltip about the contents. This is consistent with other items behavior, such as shulker boxes, which give a summary of their contents in the tooltip.


  1. Craft trader block

  2. Rename villager "Frankie"

  3. Install villager into trader, and lectern

  4. Hover mouse over populated trader block

  5. Tooltip shows both the item name, as well as contents, such as villager names (and professions?), workstations, etc. e.g:

    Librarian - Frankie

    Other items shuld also follow the pattern

    Unemployed - Frankie
    Unemployed - Harley

    Farmer - Frankie


Trader blocks themselves (as well as any other blocks like farms, breeders etc) currently lose any custom names when placed in the world and picked back up, so the simple solution of "renaming the item" doesnt help, since this information is lost. Instead, remember the blocks item name, when placed in the world.


  1. Craft trader block
  2. Install villager, profession
  3. Rename trader block in anvil to "Frankie (Mending)" for example
  4. Place block
  5. Mine block back into inventory
  6. Name should still be "Frankie (Mending)", not reset to "Trader"