Eating Animation [Forge]

Eating Animation [Forge]


Kind reminder to update files on Modrinth

fengshuo2004 opened this issue · 2 comments


It's not an issue really. Only putting this here becuase I can't find other ways to contact you. Do close this once read.

Could you please sync this project up on Modrinth? The mod files on CurseForge were last updated June 2023 whereas the ones on Modrinth were last updated June 2022.

Not sure if you've heard of the recent CurseForge malware incident, but I'd recommend using Modrinth going forward.

Thank you! 👍


@fengshuo2004 the malware that affected curseforge projects could’ve also affected modrinth the same way. Hosting files on modrinth would not have any protection from the malware if the malware was spreading through modrinth.

Please read this for more info of what happened:

Short summary, curseforge and modrinth are safe now. Malware is neutered and cannot progress to stage 3 ever again. Both sites have scanned all mods for the malware and will continue scanning new projects for it.

You have nothing to fear regarding it. There is future plans for increasing security on both sites and within mods themselves


Then why not release the 1.20+ version on modrinth ?