Eating Animation [Forge]

Eating Animation [Forge]


`properties.json`s missing a `layer0` key fail to load

EnderTurret opened this issue ยท 1 comments


When running Eating Animation (1.20-5.0.0) with Farmer's Delight (1.20.1-1.2.3), several instances of the following exception show up in the log: java.lang.RuntimeException: No key layer0 in MapLike[{"values":[0.2,0.3,0.35]}]. Here's the log file.

These exceptions appear to come from the compat resource pack, which seems to auto-load(?) when any of the relevant mods are installed (as I didn't enable it myself). I believe the problem is that the Properties codec layer0 field is not optional, even though it does appear to support that case.


Can confirm this issue