Equivalent Exchange 3

Equivalent Exchange 3


Transmutation Tablet GUI not updating properly

Drullkus opened this issue ยท 4 comments


I have an item of a high EMC value, and the Alchenomicon "knows" something of lesser EMC value. I put the high-value item into one of the 8 slots in the circle and then Alchenomicon into its slot, the lesser-EMC valued items are not displayed until I take the high-EMC value item out of the item to re-insert.


What I thought would happen:

I would put the Alchemical Chest into one of the 8 slots, and the Book into the book slot. The list would automatically appear. It did not.



Found another:


If I take the book out of the slot, the list disappears until I close GUI and re-open.


Known issue, its a GUI sync issue. You will find that if you click in the blank area that the output slots update and you can take stuff out. Same as if you close the GUI and reopen. Will be fixed in MC 1.9.4


could fix it by re-syncing that data manually with a refresh button or forcing it with a packet every few seconds. I'll fork your code and see if I can spot the issue.


It looks like it only needs an extra resync on inserting the book, because that's where the bug happens. I don't have time to dive into the code right now, but maybe @DarkGuardsman, while you're looking at it?