Equivalent Exchange 3

Equivalent Exchange 3


setting emc value

HadesDurin opened this issue · 4 comments


2016-06-16_12 19 49
i try to give the object in my hand an emc value
so i type:
/ee3 set-energy-value-current-item <pre|global> 256
the result is thefirst red line in the screenshot
then i try
/ee3 set-energy-value-current-item <pre|global> <256>
and get the second line which states that <256> is no valid number

what is the right way of adding the value since non of the two examples work and after searching the github and reviewing the wiki its not quoted properly how to add values as you intended it


/ee3 set-energy-value-current-item, then you have to have either pre or
post, then the value.
On Jun 16, 2016 6:24 AM, "HadesDurin" [email protected] wrote:

[image: 2016-06-16_12 19 49]
i try to give the object in my hand an emc value
so i type:
/ee3 set-energy-value-current-item 256
the result is thefirst red line in the screenshot
then i try
/ee3 set-energy-value-current-item <256>
and get the second line which states that <256> is no valid number

what is the right way of adding the value since non of the two examples
work and after searching the github and reviewing the wiki its not quoted
properly how to add values as you intended it

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i missed above in both command lines the <pre|global>
/ee3 set-energy-value-current-item <pre|global> 256
/ee3 set-energy-value-current-item <pre|global> <256>
and as you can see both didn't work
so what did i do wrong?

EDIT: it deletes the pre|global thing


/ee3 set-energy-value-current-item pre 256 for example.


ok try it out to see if it works

Edit: it works