Equivalent Exchange 3

Equivalent Exchange 3


Known transmutations not being saved

Robindino17 opened this issue ยท 5 comments


So did some digging around the internet and found that an exact same issue happened around 2015 september, on horizons daybreaker server exact same thing is happening,
I research something, I log off and when I log back on it doesnt save.


Yeah thats the ticket I read, any idea why this is popping up again?


I'm going to need some basic information before we can understand what is going on. Things like;

  1. Minecraft version
  2. Minecraft Forge version
  3. Version of Equivalent Exchange 3 you are using
  4. A fml-latest-client log for a play session in which this behaviour occurs (the whole log, not just snippets. Use something like pastee or pastebin)
  5. Your player knowledge json file

@pahimar the issue is that FTB Horizons: Daybreaker contains What Is Its EMC - specifically this version.

It was already reported but the issue was just closed - See Lomeli12/WIIEMC#2

This follows along the issue and comment that I linked before.


Ok, so it's not an issue here. Good to know.
