![Equivalent Exchange 3](https://media.forgecdn.net/avatars/thumbnails/17/325/256/256/635661882774256710.png)
[Github Suggestion] External Lang Directory
winstliu opened this issue ยท 7 comments
It gets slightly tedious seeing all the localization updates/commits, so I was thinking that we could have an external localization directory similar to BuildCraft's. This way, you could just merge it into the main branch once a significant number of commits build up (and I'm not sure, but will the commits show up, or just the "Merged branch into branch"? If it does, that will make the commit list much cleaner) instead of pulling each commit into master one by one (other people could handle that repository too other than you).
Yeah, because right now, we can't accurately gauge actual development activity versus language adaptations.
Here's how to do this: (Source: https://help.github.com/articles/splitting-a-subpath-out-into-a-new-repo )
- Create a new GitHub repo named "Equivalent-Exchange-3-Resources"
- Clone the existing repo into a new directory, erase everything not in the resources folder
- Push this new repository to that new GH repo
- In this repo,
git rm -r
the resources andsubmodule add
our new repo - Commit changes and push
~/projects$ git clone [email protected]:pahimar/Equivalent-Exchange-3.git EqEx-resources
# Clone the repo into a custom-named directory
~/projects$ cd EqEx-resources
~/projects/EqEx-resources$ git filter-branch --prune-empty --subdirectory-filter resources master
# Rewrite the history to only include items in the resources/ folder.
~/projects/EqEx-resources$ ls
# Verify that the command worked
~/projects/EqEx-resources$ git remote set-url origin [email protected]:pahimar/Equivalent-Exchange-3-Resources.git
~/projects/EqEx-resources$ git push -u origin master
# Push to your new GitHub repository
~/projects/EqEx-resources$ cd ../Equivalent-Exchange-3
~/projects/Equivalent-Exchange-3$ git rm -r resources/
~/projects/Equivalent-Exchange-3$ git submodule add [email protected]:pahimar/Equivalent-Exchange-3-Resources.git resources
# Go back to the primary repository, and add the submodule
# BEFORE committing all of this, let's make sure that everything's correct.
# This is what you should see:
~/projects/Equivalent-Exchange-3$ git status
# new file: .gitmodules
# new file: resources
# deleted: resources/com/pahimar/ee3/art/gui/calcinator.png
# deleted: .......
~/projects/Equivalent-Exchange-3/resources$ git status
# On branch master
nothing to commit (working directory clean)
# Okay, so we're all good. The submodule is clean, and a bunch of stuff was deleted from our main repo.
~/projects/Equivalent-Exchange-3$ git commit -m "Moved resources/ to submodule"
~/projects/Equivalent-Exchange-3$ git push
# Commit and push here
And, we're done!
When you push, it should look like this:
But don't take a PR from that, because that submodule is linked to my repo. Do it all yourself: you're the project originator.
Truth be told, I actually don't mind the amount of language PRs on the main project :3 It keeps localization in mind for me!