Equivalent Exchange 3

Equivalent Exchange 3


[Question]Item Name

mokmeuh opened this issue ยท 2 comments


I was looking at your code and I wonder why the


is not rturning the itemName, and I,ve looked around you're code, I'm probably wrong but I didnt found the place where you define the Localized name of Item

I'm really not clear, waht I'm asking is : how you define your item name in game because me I end up with item.mokmeuh:rocketWand.name

you can check at my repo if you wonder what I'm talking about

again sorry for me being not clear, I'm starting modding and I'm not really familiar with the mcp and forge api


Minecraft (or forge or whatever) recently changed the way it loads localizations (I have not looked at it in a while so I don't know how it exactly changed)
afaik now it automatically loads stuff from "assets/MOD_ID/lang" and uses the localization based on the set unlocalized name
so in your case: "item.mokmeuh:rocketWand.name"
create a file with "en_US.lang" inside the lang folder and add the following line:
item.mokmeuh:rocketWand.name=Magic Rockets

and it should show "Magic Rockets"

again I have not updated yet so I might be wrong


I've looked at the lang file from ee3you seems right thank you I was really confuse about this. have a nice day