Equivalent Exchange 3

Equivalent Exchange 3


/eclipse is not being hidden by .gitignore

winstliu opened this issue ยท 3 comments


.gitignore will not untrack already tracked files, and as you added the eclipse folder, then tried to .gitignore it, Git is ignoring the request to untrack it. In order to properly ignore the folder, you'll have to remove the eclipse folder and then commit it, at which point Git should start to properly ignore the folder (and you can re-add the folder to your local workspace).

This can be done with a PR, but it'll be ugly since you'll have to backup your eclipse folder before accepting the PR.


But then eclipse project wouldn't be in the repository. If you want to ignore tracked files use:
git update-index --assume-unchanged


If it's in .gitignore, I would assume pahimar wouldn't want it to be in the repository.


Non issue now