Equivalent Exchange 3

Equivalent Exchange 3


Aludel very minor bug

Opened this issue ยท 4 comments


When the aludel is working, and you break the glass bell, it will continue to work normally
This may be intentional, but wanted to let you know just in case ;)
(also the alchemical chests have a missing texture, no texturepack, no optifine)


Needs more info.


re: Alchemical Chest - you are likely using an old build. The current trunk has a fully functional Alchemical Chest

re: Aludel - I'll test. Might need to do some more work on the Aludel to accommodate this.


re: aludel- Okay
re: chests- Made sure the local repo is up to date, using the git pull command and github for windows, compiled the jar file again (size is 1199 KB), reset my instance completely, and still no textures.
Someone else created an issue about the chests a few days ago. Lets do further discussions about them there, instead of here.


Closing because everything is fixed