Equivalent Exchange 3

Equivalent Exchange 3


Build issue: task setupCiWorkspace crashes

stanhebben opened this issue ยท 3 comments


I tried to checkout and build the EE3 code this evening, but I couldn't get it to built.

Followed the build instructions (skipping gradle & git installation since I already had those - using gradle 1.12) yet didn't manage to execute the setupCiWorkspace task. It crashes with the following message:

C:\Users\Stan\Repositories\GitHub\Equivalent-Exchange-3>gradle setupCiWorkspace
 Powered By MCP:
 Searge, ProfMobius, Fesh0r,
 R4wk, ZeuX, IngisKahn
Failed to notify ProjectEvaluationListener.afterEvaluate(), but primary configuration failure takes precedence.
org.gradle.api.ProjectConfigurationException: You must set the Minecraft Version!
        at net.minecraftforge.gradle.user.patch.UserPatchExtension.getApiVersion(UserPatchExtension.java:64)
        at net.minecraftforge.gradle.user.patch.UserPatchExtension_Decorated.getApiVersion(Unknown Source)
        at net.minecraftforge.gradle.user.patch.UserPatchBasePlugin.getApiVersion(UserPatchBasePlugin.java:238)
        at net.minecraftforge.gradle.user.patch.UserPatchBasePlugin.getApiVersion(UserPatchBasePlugin.java:31)
        at net.minecraftforge.gradle.user.UserBasePlugin.resolve(UserBasePlugin.java:268)
        at net.minecraftforge.gradle.user.UserBasePlugin.resolve(UserBasePlugin.java:107)
        at org.gradle.launcher.GradleMain.main(GradleMain.java:23)
Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException
        ... 49 more

FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.

* Where:
Build file 'C:\Users\Stan\Repositories\GitHub\Equivalent-Exchange-3\build.gradle
' line: 25

* What went wrong:
A problem occurred evaluating root project 'Equivalent-Exchange-3'.
> [Ljava/util/HashMap$Entry;

* Try:
Run with --stacktrace option to get the stack trace. Run with --info or --debug
option to get more log output.


Total time: 5.351 secs

From the log message, it appears the properties file wasn't loaded properly during initialization of the build script. However, at first sight, I don't see anything wrong. Any clues?


This issue has been recorded before (#613). I don't think a solution was found though (but you can see if my last comment helps you).



I had the same problem and I found a solution, you have to take out all references to the config variable (which is a reference to the build.properties file) in the gradle.build file.It seems to solve the problem for me.


My guess is that you are using java 8, I was having the problem but then downgraded and now it works. Remember to redo the variables :)