Equivalent Exchange 3

Equivalent Exchange 3


Crash on Startup with StevesCarts

jjtcm opened this issue ยท 3 comments


When Minecraft starts with EE3 and Steve Carts the Game crashes on startup.

Crash-report: http://pastebin.com/5pUd64gv


Have you tried to load without SC?


The crash starts here - https://github.com/pahimar/Equivalent-Exchange-3/blob/master/src/main/java/com/pahimar/ee3/exchange/WrappedStack.java#L309

Looks like there is an ItemStack that contains a null Item


I have verified that the combination of SC (2.0.0b15) and EE3 (0.2.266) create the crash (during startup) but that version of EE3 alone does not. The issue seems to have appeared in version 0.2.253 (error happens there, but not in .252), which is when the VanillaRecipe code got added. It appears that there is a recipe whose output stack is strange. The call to

((ItemStack) wrappedStack).getItem()


hashCode = (37 * hashCode) + Item.getIdFromItem(((ItemStack) wrappedStack).getItem());
does not throw an NPE, but the call to

((ItemStack) wrappedStack).getItemDamage();

at L309 does, so its not simply a null stack. I don't have an up-to-date dev environment, so I can't check to see what the difference is between those two methods right now, but maybe someone else can.

crash log for .266 version: http://paste.ee/p/Gy3jc

Edit: I have also verified that it happens with all 1.7.x versions of SC (b12-b15)