Equivalent Exchange 3

Equivalent Exchange 3


Crash report after removing mod

pieisnotpi opened this issue ยท 4 comments


If you remove a mod after EE3 has initialized the EMC values for the items within the mod, the game crashes on world-load. Crash report: http://pastebin.com/dQ4BKi9L


Confirmed. Will have a fix in the morning


@pieisnotpi in my testing I see it dump the exception to the log, but the server doesn't crash and the player still receives values from the server. Can you confirm?


Huh. After testing in a more isolated environment, the exception does not seem to cause a crash. Not really sure why it did in my environment, but it's worth noting that it was heavily modded (even though that should theoretically not make a difference).


Should be fixed now that we've changed to using json to store data as opposed to NBT