Equivalent Exchange 3

Equivalent Exchange 3


Ore processing Emc loop.. Should ores really have emc values?

Unknown-88 opened this issue ยท 5 comments


Should ores really have emc values? As I am sure your aware, at present I can put a gold ore costing 2048 in a pulverizer, and receive 2 gold dust... smelt, and now I have 2 * 2048 emc gold... rinse and repeat. Yes, this can easily have a specific handling code build around, but there are many different mods, with many different ore processing mechanics, so it seems unlikely that an emc loop will not be present.


You can't pull gold ore from the transmutation tablet because you can't learn anything that has ore dictionary name starting with "ore"
See https://github.com/pahimar/Equivalent-Exchange-3/blob/master/src/main/java/com/pahimar/ee3/init/Abilities.java#L12-L27


Addressed with the Ability system.

Please try the thing you are reporting before reporting it :)


I was able to learn gold, and iron ore... I will do some testing and further research + screenshot in a little bit.




Just did, dident realize I dident have the latest version, although current ores remain researched, new ores can not be learned. Thank you for your time, sorry for pointing out a false bug.