Equivalent Exchange 3

Equivalent Exchange 3



SargonRose opened this issue ยท 10 comments


Glow stone and soul sand may need to have there emc values lowered.

After one trip to the nether you can create stacks of diamond from just 2-3 veins of glow stone.


Lets say an averg vein is 20 blocks, and you average 3.5 dust per block, that means 70 glowstone per vein * 3 veins = 210 glowstone. 210*384 = 80640 EMC, or 9.8 diamonds. I agree this might be a bit too much, although its hard to automate glowstone mining


True, I was just going by i was able to get 30 diamonds after one trip.

Balance is a hard issue. If it means anything i have since made 8 trips to the nether get more. It inst a amazingly renewable item because you start having to go further and further.

It did give a fairly high jump in power early game though. It felt like i was able to skip quite a few steps that other mods have and go straight to diamonds


Maybe if transmutation wasn't instantaneous it would even things out a bit.


I'd say that one of the largest balancing factors of EE3 is that you have to have already obtained one of the thing you want to make using the standard method.

That said, making transmutation non-instantaneous would defeat the whole purpose of EE3.


I'm pretty sure you can lower the values yourself if you're an OP. You can use /ee3 set-energy-value-current-item to set the EMC of an item in your hand.


Having played quite a bit more. IRON and GLOWSTONE have bcome the trading economy of my server. XD


Perhaps bear in mind that lowering Glowstone's EMC will in turn make it much easier to get Glowstone. :P
Glowstone is used as a moderating/hard-to-get item in other mods due to its in-world scarcity, is it not?


I was thinking Lumium from Thermal Expansion and Glowstone Ingots from Mekanism but sure.

Either way I think the reason they're set so high is just the basic rule of rarity in the world - perhaps Glowstone is 'easier' to harvest because it's out in the open, but equally it's not that easy to harvest without flight.

Especially in packs with Morph, the ease of getting flight to glowstone might be the unbalancing factor - something that could be fixed by changing the 'pre' energy value of Glowstone.


If you would like values to be lower you can do that by setting a custom energy value on the items