Equivalent Exchange 3

Equivalent Exchange 3


Change path in build.gradle

FireBall1725 opened this issue ยท 2 comments


This section of code in your build.gradle will copy the chicken bones mods to ./run/mods. The path should be changed to ./eclipse/mods since EE3 doesn't change the name of the run folder (like AE2 does).

task copyChicken(type: Copy, dependsOn: "extractUserDev") {
    from { configurations.compile }
    include "**/*Chicken*.jar", "**/*NotEnoughItems*.jar"
    exclude "**/CodeChickenLib*" // because CCC downloads it anyways.. -_-
    into file("./run/mods") // paralell to the assets dir
    mustRunAfter "deobfBinJar"
    mustRunAfter "repackMinecraft"

If you wanted to change the run directory, personally i don't like the eclipse folder name for the run directory you can add this code to your build.gradle

minecraft {

    ... other code here ...

    runDir = "run"

The task is removed in a yet to be commit set of changes, so closing