Equivalent Exchange 3

Equivalent Exchange 3


Creating the tablet

ash1688 opened this issue ยท 4 comments


I have a problem with trying to make the tablet but i pressed the charge key to many times by accident and the chalk outline doesn't show on the 3x3 ash infused blocks but if i go 4x4 or higher the chalk outline does show, I have tried pressing the other 3 keys but nothing happens.
Yes I have changed the keys so they are no longer conflicting so it's not that


If the chalk is too large you can hold shift and charge to make it smaller. The tablet can only be made on a 3x3. Or am I misunderstanding your problem?


yeah I know that it can only be made on a 3x3 it just when i was trying to make it i clicked once to many and lost the outline and it would only show on a bigger grid and thanks I didn't know about holding shift and charge to make it go smaller


nah hold shift and pressing charge or any of the keys doesn't reduce the outline size


sorted it was the key binding I had it didn't like me using the numpad
thanks for the help