Equivalent Exchange 3

Equivalent Exchange 3


Alchemical Urn

jkenyonc opened this issue ยท 11 comments


There is currently no automated emc storage, but seeing as the aludel is already automatable you should add an alchemical urn which can store ash, minium/ verdant dust etc. As well as possibly oredictionary dust. It could be piped into with itemducts, or an "alchemical funnel". If placed next to a transmutation tablet, the dusts' emc should be usable in the tablet, but extracting from the tablet would still have to be manual.


I know that I (and probably a lot of others) would be happiest if that could be disabled in the config somewhere...

As for the alchemical urn idea, I really like that. I was just poking around in the API, because I had a similar(ish) idea of making an item that could be charged with RF to increase its EMC value, for use in a table.






Another idea: the unnel could dispense duat into the WIP conveyor


What conveyor?




Counterpoint for balance; emc in the tablet should decay, part of the
current op-ness is that you just load the tablet with a few stacks of emc
from you favourite high energy source, then you can forget about ever
collecting moderate emc cost items ever again. Eg direwolf20 latest video
where pulling 4 stacks of netherstars out of the tablet isn't something to
be concerned about.

It's the freedom to turn A into B in unlimited quantities, with no
consequences, that breaks things.

Perhaps a sliding efficiency scale according to his much emc has passed
through the tablet. Up to the cost of 1 diamond per second is free, past
that it costs emc (x_log(x+y)) where y is the energy recently transmuted,
which decays per tick y_=0.98.

That might make people think twice before paving their floor with
transmuted nether star blocks, but won't stop people covering resource
shortfalls, or spoil endgame resource availability, it just imposes some
inefficiency in the system.
On 7 Jul 2015 1:28 am, "jkenyonc" [email protected] wrote:


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#932 (comment)


@AartBluestoke Perfectionists will hate you so much for this idea =P


I'm debating this still, but I'm kind of liking it so far


The idea of a device that increased in EMC value based on the amount of RF it has stored inside it would be an interesting feature. Could be interesting to have an RF to EMC converter and vice-versa. Imagine being able to turn a stack of octuple compressed cobblestone into enough RF to fill a top-tier battery from Draconic Evolution. This would make the balancing method typed a few posts above quite a bit more bearable for people that use tech mods.



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  2. For your specific idea, no