Equivalent Exchange 3

Equivalent Exchange 3


shouldRegenNextRestart problems

MatanShahar opened this issue ยท 1 comments


The flag shouldRegenNextRestart makes if possible to force EMC values regeneration after they were changed in-game. The current functionality seems to not work correctly right now, these are the issues I've found so far:

  • Issue #944 - according to this issue the changes made in-game (using CommandSetEnergyValue) were saved to disk, but no regeneration happened afterwards. Forcing a regen through the config did indeed solve issue.
  • No regen forced for post-calculation values - if you look at this and loadEnergyValueRegistryFromFile you can see that the post option does not force a recalculation (my assuming that post values are always loaded) while the reality they are not loaded as you can in loadEnergyValueRegistryFromFile.
  • Regen is forces only world-wide - the save method checks to the flag shouldRegenNextRestart, if the flags if set to true a regen is forced by deleting the current values forcing loadEnergyValueRegistryFromFile to return false next time. The problem is that is only deletes values in the world directory - the config-wide values wont be affected.

Closing in order to track issues on the unified ticket #990