Equivalent Exchange 3

Equivalent Exchange 3


Energy Value Exploit

HaydenJSmith opened this issue ยท 2 comments


Hey pahimar, found an exploit whilst playing with EE3 and Mekanism. There are two situations that we discovered, one is that you can use the crusher to crush cobblestone into gravel thus converting your 1 energy value into 4 with a little power that can be obtained for free with wind turbines or solar panels, the other is similar in that you can use the enrichment chamber to turn sand into gravel, giving the same result.


Mekanism needs to register their custom crafting mechanics in order for EE3 to balance the values correctly. These are recipes outside of the vanilla registries so EE3 isn't aware of them unless the mod tells it.

tldr - bug mekanism devs for ee3 aupport