Crash with EiraIRC after adding LLibrary to existing pack
Haggle1996 opened this issue ยท 3 comments
Receiving the above error after adding LLibrary to an existing pack ( It looks like a conflict with EiraIRC. I've tried several different versions of EiraIRC, but none work. Cross-posting to both issue trackers.
This can be fixed by checking if LLibrary is installed, and if that's the case, check if net.ilexiconn.llibrary.client.ClientEventHandler.screenshotKeyBinding is clicked instead of Minecraft.getMinecraft().gameSettings.keyBindScreenshot
I'd rather not do that. What's the point of your own screenshot implementation? I couldn't see any difference after having a quick look.
Anyway, I added a check for getKeyCode() being > 0, so it shouldn't crash anymore - EiraIRC's automatic screenshot actions however will not work.
Builds with the fix will be ready at in a sec.