/Summon_<tier> has chance to summon higher tiers
milkev opened this issue · 5 comments
when using the commands to summon mobs, the resulting mob might be a higher tier than what you summoned it as
using /summon_elite with the config for ultras's out of elites as 100% would always spawn ultras, and the summon elite command would be unable to summon an elite
im saying that the command shouldnt summon tiers you arent selecting with the command. its just plain annoying to do /summon_elite and get an eldritch or ultra
It's because of the settings. In this case you put the rate of ultras out of elites as 100%. That means every single elites will be ultras. Relatively simple percentage concept.
I get what you're saying, but like the higher tier is chance based on the lower tiers. Say, the default config is 1% for each tier. That means each time you summon a buffed mob, there's a 1 percent CHANCE it will be a higher tier, might be an ultra or eldritch. I think this is completely intentional, and you have like insane luck to get that to happen.
if you have modified chances than it can be extremely easy to get them, either way its not a high priority fix, but it would be a nice one nonetheless