Eldritch Mobs

Eldritch Mobs


Add a config to ignore named entities

rikka0w0 opened this issue ยท 1 comments


No one wants the zombies in their iron ingot farm turning into elite and start ranged attack against the villagers. Players can name a hostile mob to prevent it from despawning.

change ModifierComponent:

    public ModifierComponent(LivingEntity entity) {
        if((config.ignoreNamed ? !entity.hasCustomName() : true)
        && !(entity instanceof PassiveEntity) && !(entity instanceof PlayerEntity)
        && !(entity instanceof AmbientEntity) && !(entity.getType().isIn(EldritchMobsMod.ELDRITCH_BLACKLIST))) {

add to EldritchMobsConfig:

    @Comment("Ignore named creatures and monsters")
    public boolean ignoreNamed = true;

Thank you for bringing this issue to light. I will update the mod ASAP.