#Damage modifier in command doesn't work | {damage}
LANCECHEN117 opened this issue ยท 4 comments
DAMAGE MODIFIER in casting command: /cast spell {} OR /cast spell x y z direction {} DOESNT WORK
Minecraft version: 1.12.2 FORGE 8554
Wizardry version: 4.3.4 / previous version as well
Environment: Singleplayer/LAN game/Server both
Issue details: [describe what you were doing when the issue occurred, what went wrong, what you expected to happen, etc.]
Other mods involved: I only installed EBW for test
By the way, one small suggestion : could you integrate this two form of cast command into one ?
/cast spell @p can be casted from defined position x,y,z and have it's direction lol
That's because it's not damage
, it's potency
. Apologies if you found that on the wiki or something, it may be out-of-date.
By the way, one small suggestion : could you integrate this two form of cast command into one ?
How would this work, exactly? They do different things.