Elemental Craft

Elemental Craft


Elemental Pedestal Textures (NOT AN ISSUE just a message to the mod author)

BigRenegade opened this issue · 4 comments


This is actually not a bug. I am messaging about a change in the Air, Earth, Fire and Water pedestals. I edited the json files and changes the texture from Whiterock to using the (element) crystal_block texture and this is what they look like. https://imgur.com/a/4KrUhG1 This makes for them being very outstanding as to which element they are.


if a person is colorblind they wouldn't even understand what element would be needed in recipes or what element is in a tank, so pedestals would be the least of the problems


some time ago I created a resourcepack on purpose: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/texture-packs/elementalcraft-fix

and a second resourcepack for elementalcraft elements: https://curseforge.com/minecraft/texture-packs/fancy-elements


I know overall that it can be hard to differenciate a lot of blocks from each other. I don't encounter the problem because I think I'm used to it. I'm planning an overall visual cleanup, I'm searching artist to work on polishing things up and define a color palet for each elements.