Suggestion - automation of a source breeder
edotenseilove opened this issue ยท 2 comments
Hello great mod and great additions. I would like to make a suggestion. Since various instruments for automation exists I believe there should be one for the element source breeder as well. Maybe an upgrade to output retriever that would allow the extraction of a processed source from a source breeder or maybe something more complex that would automatically replace source from source breeder pedestals if the overall values are better than the content of a pedestal.
P.S.: Since the breading mechanic was introduced I would also add a tool that would be able to remove a stabilizer from a source so that it can be replaced.
So if I understand correctly there are 3 suggestions:
- retriving bred source
- changing sources automatically
- removing stabilizers
For the first one it is already possibple, the other two bring some issues:
for changing sources you need a way to define a rule to do so, what is this rule or how the player can set it.
for the stabilizer the problem is that it then offers the ability to move a small number of tabilizers insterad of puting one per source.
Thank you for your response.
I understand your concern for nr. 3 so what about a trade of - use a tool to remove a stabilizer and a source as well so that it would not be abusable yet still offer a possibility of removing the normally unmovable block and leaving the air block (so that block may be placed over it)
I understand but I was thinking of doing it automatically as a device that would read the stats of sources on the pedestals. If the stats of a breed one are better than the one on a pedestal (bread one does not have a negative trait and no positive trait is missing plus the values are better) then the source of the pedestal would be either replaced or stored for the player in a chest attached to the device. Of course, it would be great if the player could set the desired stats that he would like to get to but I think it would be a hassle to implement.