Elemental Craft

Elemental Craft


Source blocks cause vine blocks to crash when vine blocks are above source blocks due to forge inconsistency

Commoble opened this issue ยท 1 comments


Forge currently has an issue where the vanilla version of blockstate.isAir() and the forge version of blockstate.isAir(world, pos) can differ on certain blocks.

Forge also currently has an issue where vine blocks are improperly patched, causing them to crash when above blocks where isAir() is false, but isAir(world, pos) is true. This primarily occurs on blocks whose material is Material.AIR, but whose Block.Properties does not call .setAir() when defining the block instance.


The elementalcraft:source block is affected by this issue, as seen in this crash report:


However, the crash can be averted on elementalcraft's end by calling .setAir() on the source block's Block.Properties.


Fixed in 1.15.2-1.2.2 and 1.16.3-2.3.4