Elytra Aeronautics

Elytra Aeronautics


option to not load cloud layers mixin 1.19.2

CaptainKludge opened this issue ยท 1 comments


I am running supper fancy clouds rearchitected. If compatibility were possible that would be awesome, but lacking that, the ability to disable the cloud layer feature. If compatibility is the goal, you could either inherit the super fancy clouds to each layer or have the additional layers use a different render instance.


You can use '/ean CloudConfig useEanCloudRendering false' to disable Elytra Aeronautics' clouds, this should make SuperFancyClouds appear. I've looked on the possibility of my mod having integration with SuperFancyClouds, unfortuneatly, integration would take more time than I have expected. My ideal goal would be to allow cloud layers to use SuperFancyClouds cloud type and be able to use them together

The system for rendering layer is planned to be reworked on the future, but that would be after I'm finished with the coming features and improvements I'm already working on, so it will probably be some months from now since I have a limited amount of time I can work on the mod.

For now, you can disable Elytra Aeronautics' clouds and enjoy SuperFancyClouds with the benefits of my mod's elytra flight feature.

If any other issues appear, please let me know!

EDIT: I just noticed you were asking for the 1.19.2 version. You can disable clouds via the config screen in this version, since it is an older version of the mod and 1.19.2 is no longer updated to newer versions I can't confirm right now if SuperFancyClouds appear or if the mod is compatible. If you can launch the game with both mods, disabling Elytra Aeronautics clouds should fix it.