Elytra Bounce

Elytra Bounce


[Compatibility Request]: The Elytra Slot mod

Duxtorm opened this issue ยท 3 comments


Hello! Would you possibly consider making this mod compatible with the Elytra Slot mod?
It works when in the chest slot, but not the bauble slot.


I can confirm that this is the case. Would love for this to be fixed as this mod works wonderfully with Aileron to make elytras not only balanced, but a lot of fun to fly with.


I remember looking into this back when the mod first came out and I couldn't figure it out


I don't know enough about either mod in question as far as their code goes, but I believe that elytra slot has a way of adding integration with it much like the base curios mod has. The only thing I can think of is asking TheIllusiveC4 if they know why this issue may be occurring and how to add proper integration between the two.