Elytra Slot (Fabric/Forge/Quilt)

Elytra Slot (Fabric/Forge/Quilt)


[Bug]: Deeper Dark Soul Elytra boost no longer works in elytra slot

NolanHewitt opened this issue ยท 15 comments


Minecraft Version


What happened?

Deeper Darker updated and this elytra's boost ability no longer works if its in the elytra slot



Loader Version


API Version


Mod Version


Relevant Log Outputs

No response


Can verify, Deeper And Darker broken at CTRL and SHIFT boost keys and others that is not the normal letters, and when it placed to the Elytra Slot, it ignores the keybinding and sets into SHIFT which is broken in the normal mod too.


same problem


yea same thing happened when i was using it too :(


Same here with Accessories with Trinkets compat. also get constant breaking sounds.

minecraft 1.21
fabric loader .16.5
Accessories 1.0.0 beta .35
Accessories Trinkets Compat Layer 3.10.0 Layer Beta.11 for 1.21


Boost no longer works if key is set to anything like Shift, Alt, Or any other thing by the way, normal keys like A B C D E works.

Do these work when the elytra is equipped in the armor slot instead?

Still no i think. It seems like a Deeper & Darker bug.


Still no i think. It seems like a Deeper & Darker bug.

Then this probably needs more investigation by them, as I don't do anything with the logic for their elytra in the armor slot. Also, for what it's worth, I can use SHIFT for boosting just fine in my testing environment so it may also potentially be a mod conflict on your end with something else.


Still no i think. It seems like a Deeper & Darker bug.

Then this probably needs more investigation by them, as I don't do anything with the logic for their elytra in the armor slot. Also, for what it's worth, I can use SHIFT for boosting just fine in my testing environment so it may also potentially be a mod conflict on your end with something else.

Can u send a log from the testing environment for me to see the mod list and further information?


The issue still remains on my side. @TheIllusiveC4


Can you list your version number, mod loader, and MC version?


Can you list your version number, mod loader, and MC version?

1.20.1, Fabric, 6.4.4


Boost no longer works if key is set to anything like Shift, Alt, Or any other thing by the way, normal keys like A B C D E works.


For further information, i use Elysium Days 6.0.0 modpack


Boost no longer works if key is set to anything like Shift, Alt, Or any other thing by the way, normal keys like A B C D E works.

Do these work when the elytra is equipped in the armor slot instead?