Dynamic lighting stopped working when throwing objects in new versions along with RyoamicLights
Krimatoria opened this issue · 11 comments
Forge 1.19.2-43.3.7
I just installed the mods, dynamic lighting is enabled in the settings of both mods.
Dynamic lighting when dropping a torch and other light sources does not work in Embeddium++ versions higher than 1.1.0 (1,2,2, 1.2.1, 1.2.0) along with RyoamicLights 0.1.5. The latest version
It works 100% in Embeddium++ version 1.1.0 + RyoamicLights 0.1.5
и снова выключить и включить динамическое освещение, все заработает?
Oh, I even created a new world on the superplane to test everything from 0. It works in the hand, as always. But it won't work if you throw it away, even though it worked with Ryoamiclights in 1.1.0. Yes, I turned off the shaders and turned on and off dynamic lighting several times. Nothing changes.
may i miss something?
whoever, try to don't use RyoamicDynlights with emb++. basically both mods do the same, and the only you are archieveing is spam chunk updates 2 times, and is not a worth result on client-side TPS/FPS.
i will queue this for 1.3.0, i am working on other things right now.
may i miss something?
whoever, try to don't use RyoamicDynlights with emb++. basically both mods do the same, and the only you are archieveing is spam chunk updates 2 times, and is not a worth result on client-side TPS/FPS.
i will queue this for 1.3.0, i am working on other things right now.
is some of the consequenses of not know how to make proper customizations (blaming lamb)
Oh, interesting. First of all, I installed embeddium-0.2.15 instead of embeddium-0.2.16, updated it to a new version, but for some reason it doesn't work there either. But I saw strange stripes near a certain border, I do not even know what it is?
i increase dyn-lights range in 1.2.1 (workarround of #44), but it cause some minor visual bugs (fixed only doing something to update chunk, like enter on it again with a light)
again, all DynLight fixes will be focused on 1.3.0
это некоторые последствия незнания того, как правильно выполнить настройку (обвинение ягненка)
О, интересно. Первым делом я установил embeddium-0.2.15 вместо embeddium-0.2.16, обновил его до новой версии, но он и там почему-то не работает. Но я увидел странные полосы возле некоей границы, я даже не знаю, что это такое?
я увеличил дальность динамического освещения в 1.2.1 (обходной путь № 8 ), но это вызвало некоторые незначительные визуальные ошибки (исправлено только выполнение чего-либо для обновления чанка, например, повторный вход в него со светом)
опять же, все исправления DynLight будут сосредоточены на версии 1.3.0 https://github.com/SrRapero720/EmbeddiumPlus/milestone/2
Good luck) If I see anything, I'll let you know)