Unable to scroll batch size in receipe tree when it is 1.
IJustWantANamePlease opened this issue ยท 6 comments
As the topic stated, in receipe tree, when batch size is 1, it cannot be changed by scrolling, but shift + scrolling still works. When it is greater than 1 normal scrolling functions normally.
What mods do you have installed? I can't reproduce this in 1.18.2 or 1.19 with only Create and Botania at most
I disabled all mods except EMI andd fabric API but this still exists, not sure what is the cause.
I am using:
Minecraft 1.18.2
Fabric 0.14.7
Fabric API 0.51.1
What system specs are you using? OS, are you using a normal mouse or a trackpad, etc?
I'm using Windows 10 and a bluetooth mouse, but trackpad also does not work.
When discrete scrolling is disabled it can be changed when I scroll really fast, but can't work at all when it is enabled.