GUI compatibility with AE2
Chikage0o0 opened this issue · 4 comments
Hi, I am adding support for AE2 to EMI and I would like to ask how to handle this situation for gui render overlay.
Should this issue be handled by EMICompat or EMI?
One more question:
REI provides me.shedaniel.rei.plugin.common.displays.DefaultInformationDisplay
Can EMI provide a similar api?
(I believe it's called) will let you register one for everything, then you can check if the screen is an instance of your base class
EMI lets you specify exclusion areas to prevent sidebars from rendering there. As it is currently, it doesn't move the buttons at the top. Also, EMI has the necessary information to move the search bar out of the way, but currently does not. Both of these things are issues that EMI is responsible for fixing, from your end all you should have to do is add exclusion areas.
EMI lets you specify exclusion areas to prevent sidebars from rendering there. As it is currently, it doesn't move the buttons at the top. Also, EMI has the necessary information to move the search bar out of the way, but currently does not. Both of these things are issues that EMI is responsible for fixing, from your end all you should have to do is add exclusion areas.
Reflections reflections = new Reflections("appeng");
Set<Class<? extends AEBaseScreen>> subClass = reflections.getSubTypesOf(AEBaseScreen.class);
subClass.forEach(i -> {
registry.addExclusionArea(i, (screen, consumer) -> {
if (screen != null)
mapRects(screen.getExclusionZones()).forEach(bounds -> consumer.accept((Bounds) bounds));
Hi, is there a better way to register subclasses in bulk other than using reflection?