


Player head blocks screen with Real First Person 2

rejahtavi opened this issue ยท 1 comments


I am the developer behind Real First Person 2, and I have had a requests to get RFP2 working with Emoticons:


The issue is that Emoticons seems to modify the vanilla third person player model or rendering path, which interferes with how RFP2 works.

RFP2 works by drawing a third person player model while the game is in first person perspective. This third person model uses the vanilla third person rendering routines, but hides the head part first so that the head model doesn't block the entire screen.

When Emoticons is loaded, it seems that the rendering path is altered such that the head model does not get hidden correctly.

I would like to work with you to come up with a fix. I expose an API in RFP2 that you could tap into from the Emoticons side and hide the head per frame accordingly -- since RFP2 is open source and Obfuscate is closed, that strikes me as the easiest option. If you have an alternative suggestion, I am all ears.


Thank you,


I'll take a look at it, I can't promise it will be done any time soon, but I'll give it a shot to fix it.