


Emoticon causes nametag bug on ReplayMod

ImEthanBradberry opened this issue ยท 2 comments


I reported this years ago and it was supposed to be fixed on the next release, but I've just tried again with the latest Emoticon and ReplayMod versions and the error is still there. Emoticon forces the nametag to be rendered on ReplayMod even if it's disabled on the menu for some reason. I would like a way to get it fixed. Alternatives to ReplayMod are insanely complex for me and ReplayMod seems like an easy way to get a timelapse going. It's just that it lacks the smooth movement that Emoticon provides.

Here's the previous post:
I opened it again because I thought the original post was closed.

And here's what ReplayMod devs said:
ReplayMod/ReplayMod#186 (comment)


@Chryfi Could you please recommend which software would I need to do Timelapses with Emoticons enabled then?
I would also like to be able to do the timelapse with different models. For instance a timelapse by a regular Steve skin, but another timelapse made by Enderman, another by Piglin and so on. Do I need both Aperture and Blockbuster for this? I've tried following the tutorials but it seems incredibly complex to use.


Emoticons renders it's own name tags because obviously we render our own very custom models. I honestly don't care about compatibility with replay mod. We offer the most extensive and unique machinima making tools, we cant account for compatibility with other mods especially when they also modify minecraft internals. Also the mods will be ported and I will abondan 1.12 to concentrate on porting.