Inverted list not showing all enchantments
Blu-Team opened this issue ยท 4 comments
Mod version
A description of the issue
Basically when I enable inverted list and restart the game I only get vanilla enchantments + a few non-vanilla enchantsments. Lets take the sword as an example. It should have frostbite and beserk as well as vanilla enchantments. However, I only have vanilla enchantments + backstabbing. If this is intended maybe you can change it to also allow for the normal enchantments?
Extra information
I am on quilt 1.19.2. In a few hours I can test whether or not if it's a mod incompatibility. (Make a new minecraft instances with ONLY two mods installed: geckolib and enchancement.
Log or crash report
That's how inverted list is supposed to work; all it does is disallow everything that's in the list, so since it by default has Fire Aspect, Frostbite, etc, but not Sharpness, Unbreaking, etc, it will allow everything except those, in this case, most of the vanilla enchantments, and all modded enchantments that aren't in the list (by default, only mine)
That's how inverted list is supposed to work; all it does is disallow everything that's in the list, so since it by default has Fire Aspect, Frostbite, etc, but not Sharpness, Unbreaking, etc, it will allow everything except those, in this case, most of the vanilla enchantments, and all modded enchantments that aren't in the list (by default, only mine)
How can I make it so that it has those enchantments? Also, maybe add another option which says, "Allow vanilla enchantments"? And thanks for commenting so fast!
If you have inverted list on, then remove them from the list so they're no longer disallowed. If you have inverted list off, then add them to the list so they're allowed