Compatibility with Enchantery 1.20
lxly9 opened this issue ยท 7 comments
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A description of the issue
Enchancement and Enchantery are sadly not compatible due to a bug in the enchanting table as described below.
When using enchancement with enchantery and 'enchanting table overhaul' is off while 'single level mode' is turned on in the config, the enchanting table does not produce the described enchantments in the table. Even if books are put in chiseled bookshelves or using soul torches to influence the outcome the described enchantments are not applied and apply a 'base enchantment' (in case of armor its protection, for weapons sharpness and tools efficiency).
It would be great if we got some compatibility between the two mods as enchancements enchantments are a game changer haha
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Enchancement removes Protection and Sharpness by default, try enabling them and seeing if it works
huh, still the same issue sadly, it appears to be scooping (when a scooping book in a chiseled bookshelf in the vicinity) in the enchanting table, but when clicked on its efficency