Extracting Enchantment is Incompatible With Non-Traditional Ores
Noobulus opened this issue · 2 comments
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A description of the issue
Spelunkery adds several new ores that don't have Stone or Deepslate as their 'base' stone. As such, they don't work properly with extracting and simply break like regular blocks.
The ores in question are: Calcite Redstone Ore, Sandstone Lapis Ore, Andesite Emerald Ore, and Smooth Basalt Diamond Ore.
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Maybe a whitelist could be added to the config where block ids could be manually added? And mod compatibility could be included with several popular mods that automatically populate the list when they are detected.
This should be possible using tags. @MoriyaShiine might have already implemented this in the recent push but I haven’t looked at it extensively. I’ll check again, and I might provide a (probably very scuffed) fix for this next week.