Enchanting Infuser [Forge & Fabric]

Enchanting Infuser [Forge & Fabric]


[Bug]: Config keeps resetting

WildFyr16 opened this issue ยท 5 comments


Mod Loader (Required)


Minecraft Version (Required)


Mod Version (Required)


Notes (Required)

Current Behavior: Config .toml resets upon every server restart changing the edited config to "enchantinginfuser-server-#.toml.bak"
Expected Behavior: Config should take into effect and not reset each time the server restarts

Steps to Reproduce
Change any of the config, even just 1 false to true
restart server
.bak created and fresh new config file generated

latest.log (Optional)



Please send the configs, both the current one as well as the one ending with .bak.


I have the same Issue within the Modpack "Fantasy Minecraft" on a server on g-portal.

Mod Loader (Required)

Minecraft Version (Required)

Mod Version (Required)

Fantasy Minecraft v11.3

Notes (Required)
Current Behavior: Config .toml resets upon every server restart changing the edited config to "enchantinginfuser-server.toml.bak" or "enchantinginfuser-server.toml"
Configs edited with Notepad++
Configs uploaded with g-portal interface, overwriting Files or deleting current ones and uploading new ones
Configs uploaded with FileZilla, overwriting Files or deleting current ones and uploading new ones
Expected Behavior: Config should take into effect and not reset each time the server restarts

Steps to Reproduce
Change any of the config, even just 1 false to true
restart server
.bak created and fresh new config file generated

Any solutions so far?


@siqNezz1337 Thanks for all your efforts!

The UUID feature of Configured is related to editing server configuration files from in-game. The issue described here is probably not related to that, as Configured doesn't modify the config system itself and is just an optional mod on top.
Although maybe editing the config from in-game using Configured will work if editing the file manually doesn't. Just give it a try.

The main problem described in the report probably just comes down to some file system shenanigans that make the config file unparseable for the underlying Night Config library whenever it is saved to disk.

There's nothing I can do about that unfortunately, therefore closing this issue now.
I can only recommend making sure the server is turned off when editing the config file and to save and close the file before starting the server up again. Or try the Configured mod as mentioned above.


So after a long back and forth with the customer support from G-Portal we found out, that you have to enter your UUID inside the configured.developer.toml file in a specific way, otherwise it will reset itself.


important to know: the hyphen (-) and quotation marks (") need to be inside the square-backets ([ ]). unfortunately, if you use the 1-click-copy-function from hosting-websites, they sometimes won't include the hyphen (-).

@WildFyr16 try to enter your uuid into the file like i described and restart your server. if you use a host-service like apex or g-portal, you also can ask your customer support.

@Fuzss i guess this isnt a mod-related "bug", just not enough information according to the formating.