Enchanting System Overhaul

Enchanting System Overhaul


Feature request/suggestion: research spells

yuyaryshev opened this issue ยท 0 comments


1.Research enchanted items

  • Allow disenchanting an item on the table this should give you small part (say 5%) of next spell level for each enchantment you have on an this item

2.Research curses

  • Removing a curse - destroys an item but gives very small part but to all known spells (say 0.5%)

3.Research magic items

  • Allow researching some loot from mobs to give very small part to all or to some spells (say each gunpowder boosts 0.1% of sharpness)

4.Multiplayer compartibility

  • Allow a config to move knowledge from players to the table itself. Or else now if we play cooperative we have to decide who reads the book.