Enchantments-Plus [Fabric]

Enchantments-Plus [Fabric]


[Suggestion] Dual Leap Balance

RedPandaBro opened this issue ยท 1 comments


Good Evening,

My suggestion for this mod if you are interested in updating it in the future would be to look again at the balance of Dual Leap. I did a survival playthrough recently where I found Dual Leap boots in a chest very early on. Quickly I realized that with dual leap I could negate 100% of fall damage. This feels out of place in early game Minecraft where typically giant falls are a challenge. I understand that you stated in a previous post that this would be a feature of the enchant but in it's current state it puts it in a weird place. The average gamer has the reaction speed to dual leap before hitting the ground. It is stronger than feather falling in this case. My suggestions would be to either A) Remove the exploit by changing how dual leap interacts with fall distance or B) Make it a treasure enchant that could only be found in the Nether or End or both. I have a few notes about the enchantment. First, it isn't very useful once you get an Elytra because the double jump bind is replaced with the flight bind (If I remember correctly). Second, It is analogous to the elytra in the way that it reduces fear of fall damage therefore it could act as a mid-level progress item between nothing and the elytra. I want to say that I am a fan of the mod you might remember I left a note on here before about excavator. Lastly, I am sorry for writing an essay on your github page and for backseat developing! I hope this helps with any future update decisions.

Thank you,


Thank you for the suggestion! No worries about writing a lot, I appreciate the feedback. Sorry about the late response, but I'll be making a change in the next release where you can't use your double jump if you have fallen a certain number of blocks. This will prevent using it to completely negate fall damage, but you can still lower your fall damage amount slightly in some situations if used correctly.
As for the enchantment not being useful with Elytra, I think at that point you wouldn't need double jump as much, and I agree that it is useful from the point of having the enchantment until you have gotten Elytra.

Let me know what you think of the change!