


[Feature Request] Buttons have default image options of all item textures

DrasticDemise opened this issue ยท 1 comments


Similar to HQM, it would be nice to be able to use items as images straight out for buttons without the overhead of importing additional images for something rather arbitrary.

Additionally, I would like to use the globe texture that you have in the book as an button image. Would it be possible to have that as a default image when a link button is selected?


Technically can make items button by using an invisible button, but I guess that is a bit of extra work. The button editor is already running out of room. If I'm going to do this, I'd probably get it to open a new window (in the centre), with a list of all the default images in enchiridion, and all the images you've already added, and be able to select from them instead. Then with a load new image button. There isn't really any room on the editor on the left. Also in this screen i'd probably let you select a default texture for buttons, (based on the type).

Because this is more involved than the others, I can't imagine it coming anytime soon, but rather a plan for the future.