


On 1.11.2, I can't edit my newly created book

trainzkid opened this issue ยท 3 comments


After successfully finding the new book I created (it didn't automatically appear in my inventory, but it was searchable), I opened it and there's no way for me to edit it. It's just a blank book with page turn buttons.

I tried in both creative and survival.

The only mods currently active are JEI, Guide-API, and enchiridion version 3.1.17.

Here's some pics for proof.
No crashes, just don't know how to edit this new book I created.

The json was created with code and everything:
{ "uniqueName": "How_to_Not_Die_in_the_Nether", "saveName": "How_to_Not_Die_in_the_Nether", "displayName": "How to Not Die in the Nether", "colorHex": "FFFFFFFF", "language": "en_us", "hasCustomIcon": true, "showBackground": true, "legacyTexture": false, "backgroundResource": "enchiridion:textures/books/rustic2.png", "BACKGROUND_START_X": -10, "BACKGROUND_START_Y": -10, "BACKGROUND_END_X": 440, "BACKGROUND_END_Y": 240, "defaultPage": 0, "isLocked": false, "forgetPageOnClose": false, "book": [ { "features": [ { "xPos": 21, "yPos": 200, "width": 18.0, "height": 10.0, "feature": { "class": "joshie.enchiridion.gui.book.features.FeatureButton", "properties": { "action": { "class": "joshie.enchiridion.gui.book.buttons.actions.ActionPreviousPage", "properties": {} }, "size": 1.0, "leftClick": true, "rightClick": true, "otherClick": false, "tooltip": "", "hoverText": "", "hoverXOffset": 0, "hoverYOffset": 0, "unhoveredText": "", "unhoveredXOffset": 0, "unhoveredYOffset": 0, "hoveredResource": "enchiridion:textures/books/arrow_left_on.png", "unhoveredResource": "enchiridion:textures/books/arrow_left_off.png" } }, "isLocked": true, "isHidden": false, "layerIndex": 0 }, { "xPos": 387, "yPos": 200, "width": 18.0, "height": 10.0, "feature": { "class": "joshie.enchiridion.gui.book.features.FeatureButton", "properties": { "action": { "class": "joshie.enchiridion.gui.book.buttons.actions.ActionNextPage", "properties": {} }, "size": 1.0, "leftClick": true, "rightClick": true, "otherClick": false, "tooltip": "", "hoverText": "", "hoverXOffset": 0, "hoverYOffset": 0, "unhoveredText": "", "unhoveredXOffset": 0, "unhoveredYOffset": 0, "hoveredResource": "enchiridion:textures/books/arrow_right_on.png", "unhoveredResource": "enchiridion:textures/books/arrow_right_off.png" } }, "isLocked": true, "isHidden": false, "layerIndex": 1 } ], "pageNumber": 0, "isScrollable": false } ], "defaultIDs": [ "enchiridion_default_buttons" ] }


Is editing enabled in config and are you shift clicking


Editing yes, shift clicking no, I'll test in a sec, thank you


Shift Clicking worked, thank you